How To Manifest Someone Back Into Your Life

Whether it’s a relationship you’ve been trying to build or something that's been on your mind for a long time- there are multiple reasons to do this, I know, we all have them. But once that’s out of the way, let’s get started with some manifestation techniques to help you manifest someone into your life. I’m sure if you're not a follower of my blog then you already know what I'm about to say. Let me just remind you...

We all have some type of desire. You want a certain job/relationship. You want to be loved by someone, want to be in a certain group or community. You want to find yourself in someone else.

In order to feel the energy and love you need to manifest, the first step is to decide which desires are important to you to fulfill. Once you decide which desires have importance to you, go ahead and place them in a journal where they will be easily accessible.

Let’s take the example of wanting a romantic partner. First things first, you need to take the time to choose who your ideal person is (the most significant people to you) to match up with. We can always see another person better than our own so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to change who you think you should be dating. Just the facts are that more time has passed since when you were younger so why not? If your heart is still being filled with hate on a particular person, even despite the fact that you haven't seen them in over 20 years, your desire for them is greater than ever. Don't fall in love with who you see in these two at the same time. Go back out if you really like both of them but this isn't a good idea. Make an effort to not fall in love with either person, if possible; they may not be the right fit for you.

You could also seek guidance, but it is not something that is appropriate for everyone's case; you never know enough or have an open mind when it comes to figuring love, dating and finding yourself. Ask yourself how you feel about dating someone who doesn't make you happy if he or she doesn't like you back? Think about yourself because that’s one of the biggest reasons you want to manifest someone into your life.

You aren’t going to come out every day or month because it’s not your thing (for example, as a man I had dated women before, but I was afraid to date them) and you’ll probably end up alone forever, that’s why you have to learn to enjoy being alone. Even though society tells us that it’s wrong for women to date outside of men, it shouldn’t have a problem with making a choice and not worrying what other people think about you when it’s no fun at all. Maybe they're not what you need in your life or maybe they are just not the right guy.

The point is that you need to look past what people think and decide who you truly love by giving them the chance to see that. For instance, when I was younger I would text him on the weekends to tell him I loved him and I miss him, and how I loved his food and wanted to meet him one day. He’d respond with no hesitation and said that he liked the fact that I’d called him and loved him dearly, and I’d told him his name was David and I wanted all of him and his friends and family to know that I loved him and missed him terribly. When he replied that I did really really like him, I responded with the same thing, except this time I took a deep breath. It made me feel amazing because I didn't think I was doing well in this relationship (I really wanted to) and finally, the realization that I wasn't doing well in this relationship made me realize I loved him deeply and I missed him immensely, not because I got over him straight away, but defects in his real name.

Don't be scared of showing your vulnerability for fear of people judging your choice but trust me, showing your vulnerability does help to manifest someone into your life so don't leave it at that point. If you want this person to be into you, be into each other, please give them time and space. Be themselves. Don’t try to suppress this desire but rather open up your emotions and share them with others, regardless of whether or not the person has reciprocated. This is the first step in creating those "the love" moments between you and this person, and you may also want to make an effort to see a friend of yours in that person to help them understand why you love them and why their love you for the first time like this. Not only will this person notice it, but it will also help them get to know and accept all of their flaws without looking down upon their true self. A simple trick like using the phrase, "your perfect self," will help you create that sense of belonging in the other person, that feeling they are worth loving.

Remember what I already told you about putting the journal under your bed? These three pieces of paper should have your thoughts written, this can be whatever you need to write, just sit and write anything and everything you want. And if you need to jot down a list of names or details, remember that you need to do this when you don’t want them in your head, you’re less likely to live their reality. As it stands, when I needed a relationship in my early teenage years, I tried to convince myself that I could lose someone because I wanted him or her and I was in pain from my mother's passing.

I also thought a lot about how easy it would have been for me to lose them or let them go, but then I stopped thinking about how good it would have been to be with them or how horrible I would have felt not having them with me, and instead I wrote about my dreams of meeting and falling in love with this person for the entire time I had them (I never ended up falling in love). That was hard to do because I was thinking about that and thinking about how terrible it would have been.

But it was one of the best things I did, I used journaling because I started getting creative and exploring my feelings about the loss of these people. So now, whenever I wanted to find myself I wrote down whatever I wanted in this notebook, or any notebook for that matter. Because it helped me figure out what I loved about this person and what I hated about them and how I wanted them, no matter how many times I read or heard things about them before I met them or saw them for the first time, they weren’t the same for me anymore and that made me hate them, and start seeing them differently because I didn’t like the way the world made me feel any of these things. That gave me time to explore my emotions about this feeling that I had and really opened up to what the feeling was like.

At the beginning, I was writing about "What I Love About Him and What I Hate About Her" and about how I was in a bad mindset because of my mom. I learned that I was being angry and I was angry because of my mother because of my sadness and anger towards my mother for hurting me because she died. I realized that I liked his food and food that I’d always enjoyed because for the first time in my mother’s life, she grew up, but she went through a massive tragedy, my mom was taken away from me when I was a child and we were separated for a year. My family broke up and everyone got hurt so I had a new place to live when I was 13 years old. All while I was growing up and learning so many different ways of dealing with losing our parents.

While I was reading romance novels and watching movies about love I started seeing women that looked similar than my mom and I realized that I loved them so much I was ready to fall in love with them even if I hadn't spoken to them before. However, I learned that I didn't like my mother and found that I always thought I was right and didn’t like her, I was angry because I wished she wasn’t dead and hated her because I had the opportunity to have a normal and healthy family because my mom wouldn't want that. I hated that I had the opportunity to be in situations and people that I didn’t want to be with but I knew I had never regretted anything in my life and I’ve been able to stay in relationships longer than I have been alive. Since then, I think a lot about who I am and what I want out of life and what kind of person I want to be, and I think I would like to be my whole soulmate because I never felt like I lost her because she wasn't mine and that saddened me.

Since then, I've tried to do things to try to fix things when I get really mad at them, try to make things better, and change my mindset to focus on something different or better, even though sometimes those things didn't work; sometimes I had to cry because of someone I love and sometimes I couldn’t cry because of a negative experience that happened between me and that person. That’s why I write because I’m always thinking about things that might upset me as well as the things that I like about them.

When I really need some motivation and motivation from someone or a piece of information that I need to work on, I use journaling as an incredible tool to get me out of my rut and I start coming to terms with my body and seeing the beauty in my flaws.

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👉Free ebook showing you how to develop your mindset so you can achieve greater success in your life and work

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